We get asked about Health Share Ministries a lot being the Full Service Enrollment Center located in Wenatchee. We are going to talk about something that is not insurance.
Our first Podcast was on Health Share Ministries.
Health Share Ministries have some advantages, such as lower monthly costs and a sense of community among members who share similar beliefs. We have had companies offer us commissions to offer these plans and most have fallen short during the selection process.
Health Share Ministries have displayed some problems and limitations:
- Limited Coverage: Health share ministries often have more restricted coverage compared to traditional health insurance. They may not cover certain medical conditions, preventive care, or pre-existing conditions, which can leave members with significant healthcare expenses. We want our clients to have the freedom to treat all their medical conditions that can occur.
- Lack of Guarantees: Unlike traditional health insurance, health share ministries are not legally obligated to cover medical expenses. If you have ever gone to use something and it wasn’t there than the normal reaction is to get angry. We don’t like angry customers. There’s no guarantee that your expenses will be shared, and coverage decisions are subject to the ministry’s guidelines.
- Eligibility Restrictions: To join a health share ministry, you may need to meet specific religious or ethical criteria. This can exclude individuals or families who don’t share the same beliefs. We run an inclusive office and don’t discriminate. Why would I want to have a product not suitable for more than half our neighbors?

4. Uncertain Future: Health share ministries are not as regulated or financially stable as traditional insurance companies. They may be vulnerable to financial difficulties or changes in their sharing policies, which can affect members’ coverage. We have seen several of these companies with legal action against them over the years.
5. No Consumer Protections: Health share ministries are not subject to the same state and federal regulations as health insurers. This means members have fewer protections and may have limited recourse if they encounter problems with the ministry. With insurance, we can go to the Office of Insurance and file a complaint.
6. Administrative Hassles: Members often need to handle medical billing and paperwork themselves, which can be time-consuming and challenging, especially when dealing with multiple providers and claims. Confluence Health is not known for negotiating pricing.
7. Non-Comprehensive Coverage: Health share ministries may not cover mental health services, maternity care, prescription drugs, or other essential healthcare needs that are typically covered by traditional insurance.
8. No Financial Assistance: Government subsidies or financial assistance, which are available for many with traditional health insurance through programs like the Affordable Care Act or Cascade Care, are not available for health share ministry members.
Before considering a health share ministry, it’s crucial to carefully review your policies, coverage limitations, and eligibility requirements. As the full-service Enrollment Center located in Wenatchee, we have been educating options for eleven-plus years at no cost.
When can I enroll in Health Insurance

Topics, Alternative Health, Wenatchee Insurance, Healthcare, Health Ministries, Financial Assistance, Enrollment Center, Cascade Care, Affordable Care Act, ACA, Confluence Health, Chelan County