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Lapsed Insurance Coverage: The Cliffhanger You Didn’t See Coming

lapsed car insurance wenatchee

Life is full of surprises. Some are delightful, like finding a twenty-dollar bill in your old jeans. Others, like discovering lapsed insurance for your car, are less so. But don’t worry, Wenatchee Insurance is here to turn this tragedy plot twist into a comedy.

The Unwelcome Surprise

You’re sorting through your mail when you find a letter from your insurance company. Your heart sinks as you realize – your insurance has lapsed. Cue the dramatic music and the slow-motion “Nooooo!”

The Plot Thickens

You call Shayla at Wenatchee Insurance, and they answers with their usual cheerful, “How can I help you today?” You explain the situation, bracing for a lecture. Instead, Shayla laughs and says, “No problem, let’s get you sorted out.”

Protip: Some companies that we work can be restarted quickly if there was a short break.

The Hero’s Journey

  1. The Call to Action: Shayla gives you a list of what you need to do to reinstate your insurance. It’s like a treasure map, only instead of gold, you’re looking for proof of payment.
  2. Overcoming Obstacles: You might face a few hurdles, like late fees or paperwork. But with Wenatchee Insurance guiding you, it’s more of a Rocky action montage than a dramatic struggle.
  3. The Happy Ending: You pay the fees, submit the paperwork, and just like that, your insurance is back on track. Shayla even throws in an “Amazing!” for good measure.

The Lesson Learned

The next time you find yourself in an insurance lapse cliffhanger, remember it’s just a plot twist, not the end of the story. With Wenatchee Insurance, every problem has a solution, and every lapse has a laugh.


Lapsed insurance might seem like a disaster, but with the right help, it’s just another funny story in the book of life. So don’t sweat it – call Wenatchee Insurance and turn that cliffhanger into a comedy.

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Topics: SR22, auto insurance, car insurance, wenatchee insurance, shayla, high risk, liability, insurance license, Chelan County, Okanogan County, General, Grant County, Douglas county, proof of insurance,

Oops, I Did It Again: Surviving an Insurance lapse Episode

local car insurance wenatchee lapse

Ever had one of those days where everything that can go wrong does go wrong? Like forgetting your wedding anniversary, someone drank all the milk after you poured a bowl of cereal or worse… a lapse in your car insurance. It happens. Wenatchee Insurance is here to turn your insurance woes into wows.

The Dreaded Lapse

A lapse in your insurance coverage is like running out of gas on Sherman Pass – inconvenient and slightly embarrassing. It doesn’t matter if you forgot missed a payment , to renew, or thought your car ran on good vibes alone. There are options when your insurance lapses.

The “Britney Spears” Moment

You might find yourself humming, “Oops, I did it again,” as you realize your insurance has lapsed. Cue the dramatic music and a vision of Shayla from Wenatchee Insurance swooping in to save the day.

Steps to Take When Your Insurance Lapses

  1. Call Wenatchee Insurance: Seriously, this should be step one for everything. Shayla will help you sort out the mess and get you behind the wheel again.
  2. Beg for Forgiveness: Sometimes, you can sweet-talk your insurance provider into waiving the lapse fee. It isn’t always easy and some companies are better than others.
  3. Avoid the Temptation to Drive: Driving without insurance is a not worth the ticket nor the risk. Instead, use this as an excuse to try out Link Transit or rediscover the joys of breaking in your shoes.
  4. Renew and Relax: Once you’ve reinstated your insurance, take a deep breath and relax. You have your proof of insurance in hand (or on your phone).


A lapsed insurance policy is not the end of the world. After a year of continuous auto insurance, options open. With a little help from Wenatchee Insurance, you’ll be back on the road in no time, and with a funny story to tell at your next BBQ.

Topics: SR22, auto insurance, car insurance, wenatchee insurance, shayla, high risk, liability, insurance license, Chelan County, Okanogan County, General, Grant County, Douglas county, proof of insurance,

Help! My SR22 Insurance Just Called in Sick: Now What?

SR22 license insurance Wenatchee

Ah, the joys of car insurance. Just when you thought you had it all figured out, your SR22 insurance decides to take a sick day. Don’t worry, Wenatchee Insurance is here to help you navigate this comedy of errors.

Protip: We have several companies that we write SR22s with. 😉

What is SR22 Insurance Anyway?

Think of SR22 insurance as the hall monitor of the insurance world. It’s not actually insurance, but a certificate proving you have insurance. It’s usually required after you’ve had too much “fun” on the road, like a DUI or too many speeding tickets. It’s a tell tale sign to simmer down.

The “Oh No!” Moment

So there you are, driving down the 97 watching the ducks on the Columbia River, when you get pulled over. You reach for your insurance papers and… they’re expired! Panic sets in. You imagine yourself living in a cardboard box under the George Sellar Bridge.

What to Do When Your SR22 Insurance “Calls in Sick”

  1. Stay Calm and Call Shayla: Our favorite property insurance agent at Wenatchee Insurance, Shayla, is always ready to help. She’s like the wizard of insurance, turning your pumpkin of a problem into a reliable, roadworthy carriage.
  2. Get Back on Track: Shayla will guide you through the steps to reinstate your SR22. It might involve a bit of paperwork and a fee, but hey, it’s better than trying to live off wild blackberries and Pike Minnows from the Columbia River.
  3. Laugh It Off: Remember, it’s just insurance. Everyone makes mistakes. Even if you have to ride a bike for a few days, at least you’ll get some exercise!

The Moral of the Story

Don’t panic. The next time your SR22 insurance decides to take a vacation. Just call Shayla and Wenatchee Insurance. We’ll have you back on the road faster than you can say “uninsured motorist.”

Topics: SR22, auto insurance, car insurance, wenatchee insurance, shayla, high risk, liability, insurance license, Chelan County, Okanogan County, General, Grant County, Douglas county, proof of insurance,

Cheapest Way to Get Full Coverage Car Insurance (With a Dash of Humor)

So, you want to get full coverage car insurance without having to sell your firstborn?  If we aren’t crying, then we are laughing. Buckle up because we’re about to take a joyride of cost-saving tips sprinkled with a bit of humor. Let’s hit the gas!

1. Shop Around Like a Bargain Hunter on Black Friday

What is the hottest Christmas toy that you can remember? Think of car insurance like that. Prices are all over the place depending on where you look. Don’t just settle for the first quote you get—channel your inner bargain hunter and shop around. We shop multiple companies to find a good fit.

2. Bundle Up Buttercup

Insurance companies love bundling as much as you love a BOGO pizza deal. Combining your car insurance with other policies can save you a pretty penny. We have some companies that you get a discount if we hold one other policy of any type which makes shopping easier.

3. Raise Your Deductible Like You’re Raising the Roof

The higher your deductible, the lower your premium. It’s like saying, “Don’t sweat the little stuff”. I just want you around when things get heavy. Just make sure you can afford that deductible if you ever need to file a claim. There are way too many Gofundmes out there that don’t make it.

4. Drive Like Your Grandma Is Watching

Safe driving pays off. Insurance companies love slow, smooth, steady daylight driver. Avoid accidents and traffic violations, and you’ll be rewarded with lower rates. Plus, your grandma will be so proud of you. Who doesn’t want a proud granny?

Sometimes it is the car.

5. Good Grades = Good Savings

Most insurance companies offer discounts for good grades. Who knew working on your future could help right now? So, next time you’re cramming for that calculus exam, remember it’s not just your GPA on the line—it’s your insurance payments too.

6. Ask for Discounts Like You’re at a Flea Market

Never be shy to ask about discounts. There are discounts for everything from being a loyal customer to simply being a responsible adult who pays bills on time. Channel your inner flea market haggler and see what you can score.

7. Drive a Sensible Car (Sorry, No Kias or Hyundais can be tough)

Insurance companies look at your car and determine how likely it is to be stolen or involved in an accident. The more that you see a car in a video on YouTube being stolen, the harder it is to insure. Look for a car that makes Mayo look spicy. Your insurance premium will thank you.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to getting the cheapest full coverage car insurance without having to resort to drastic measures. Remember, the road to savings is paved with smart choices—and maybe a little bit of humor along the way.

Drive safe, save money, and keep laughing!

Insurance Bundle

Funny ways to save money on car insurance near me

Shopping for car insurance sucks. We know it and we do our best to do things differently at Wenatchee Insurance.

Car insurance by Wenatchee River Van

Saving money on car insurance doesn’t have to be a drag. Here are the top 5 humorous yet practical tips to keep your wallet happy:

Top 5

Battle of the Quotes: Treat insurance shopping like a reality TV show contest. Shayla enters the information into a rater and see which companies come out on top. May the best rate win!

Best of all no spam like from the some of the internet quote engines.

Deductible Daredevil: Boost your deductible to lower your premiums. It’s like a game of financial chicken—how high can you go without sweating bullets every time you drive?

Pro-tip: If you pay Deductible Daredevil put the amount into an interest bearing account so it is ready if you ever need it and you will be making a money from your stash.

Discount Detective: Turn into Sherlock Holmes and hunt down every discount possible. Safe driver? Check. Low mileage? Check. Anti-theft system? Triple check. Leave no stone unturned in your quest for the ultimate deal.

Bulk Buying Bonanza: Bundle your car insurance with other policies like homeowners or renters insurance. It’s like buying in bulk at the grocery store but instead of toilet paper, you’re saving on peace of mind.

Credit Score Gymnastics: Boosting your credit score can lower your premiums. Think of it as financial gymnastics—flex those credit muscles and watch the rates tumble!

With these tips, you’ll hopefully not only save some cash but also have a chuckle along the way!

Car Insurance Summary

Shopping for insurance can be overwhelming. At Wenatchee Insurance, we work hard at making insurance understandable and usable. We only work in Washington State and do not sell your data across the planet because we are an independent local insurance agency.

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What happens with insurance when I get in an accident with a deer in my truck?

Since the mid-1970s, Washington State DOT has removed a minimum of 5000 collisions with deer and 200 with elk every year. We have several areas in North Central Washington where wildlife collisions are frequent. Around Wenatchee, we have an abundance of Mule deer to the north and south of the city. Along the Methow and Okanogan River Valleys also have large impact numbers. We need to have a conversation about deer accidents.

When an insurance policy covers a deer accident (or any other accident involving a collision with an animal), it’s typically under the “comprehensive” coverage portion of an auto insurance policy. Here’s a breakdown of how insurance might cover a deer accident:

Comprehensive Coverage:

Description: This covers damage to your vehicle that isn’t caused by a collision with another car. This includes theft, vandalism, natural disasters, falling objects, and, relevantly, collisions with animals like deer.

Deer Accident: If you hit a deer and have comprehensive coverage, the damage to your vehicle would typically be covered. You would be responsible for paying your deductible first, and then the insurance company would cover the remaining repair costs up to the value of the vehicle.

Liability Coverage:

Description: Liability insurance covers bodily injury and property damage that you cause to others. It doesn’t cover your own injuries or vehicle damage.

Deer Accident: This wouldn’t come into play if you only hit a deer. But, if hitting the deer caused you to then collide with another vehicle, your liability coverage might cover the damages or injuries you caused to other parties.

Collision Coverage:

Description: This covers damage to your vehicle when it collides with another vehicle or object.

Deer Accident: Generally, collisions with animals are covered under comprehensive, not collision. But if, for example, you swerved to avoid a deer and hit a tree or another car, then collision coverage would come into play for damages to your vehicle.

Medical Payments (MedPay) or Personal Injury Protection (PIP):

Description: These are optional coverages in many states that can cover medical bills for you and your passengers regardless of who’s at fault. This is a good to have coverage.

Deer Accident: If you or a passenger were injured in the accident with the deer, MedPay or PIP could potentially cover medical expenses.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage:

Description: This covers your injuries or property damage if you’re hit by a driver who doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance.

Deer Accident: This coverage wouldn’t apply to a deer accident unless you were somehow involved in an additional accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist immediately afterward. Deer are animals and do not have liability insurance.

Important Notes:

The specific details of coverage can vary based on your insurance company, your policy, and local regulations.

If you live in an area with a high deer population or frequently travel through such areas, it’s wise to ensure you have comprehensive coverage to protect against potential deer collisions.

After a deer accident, it’s important to document the scene, report the accident to the police (if required), and contact your insurance company as soon as possible.

Remember to always check your specific policy details or consult with your insurance agent to understand exactly what’s covered.

Topics: auto insurance, home insurance, independent insurance broker, deductible, Wenatchee Insurance, Okanogan, Methow Valley, Deer, Chelan County, Douglas County, liability, property


If you need a song. The following is done to 9 to 5 written by Dolly Parton.

 (Verse 1)

Woke up with the rooster, at the break of dawn,

Coffee brewin’, new day spawnin’, put my work boots on,

Drivin’ down the gravel path, radio playin’ tunes,

But what I didn’t see comin’ changed my plans real soon.


From 9 to 5, I’m workin’, breakin’ my back,

But that deer in the middle, gave my truck a big ol’ smack,

Insurance on my mind, with each hour of the grind,

Oh, from 9 to 5, life can sure be unkind.

(Verse 2)

Pulled over to the side, under that mornin’ sun,

Thought of all the paperwork, oh man, ain’t this fun?

Checked my glove box quickly, for that policy of mine,

Sure hope comprehensive’s got me covered this time.


Tumblin’ through the hours, on that ol’ office chair,

Thoughts of my truck, and that deer, oh life ain’t fair,

But with the right coverage, and a little bit of grace,

I’ll get through this day, at this relentless pace.


From 9 to 5, it’s hustle, and life’s little dives,

Dealing with the unexpected, like deer jumps and archives,

But I’ll clock out with a smile, and a story to share,

Oh, from 9 to 5, gotta handle life with care.

(Verse 3)

Lunchtime in the break room, shared my tale with Sue,

She laughed and said, “Honey, same thing happened to Lou!”

Seems like we’re all in this, this 9 to 5 bind,

Dealin’ with the day-to-day, and what we might find.


So when the day’s endin’, and I’m headin’ to my door,

I’ll count my blessings, think of what’s in store,

From 9 to 5, or whatever hours we strive,

With a little bit of rhythm, we’ll keep that hope alive.

When a Car Crashes Into Your living room: Who Foots the Bill?

Car crashes into house

Every now and then, residents of Washington come across startling images on their Facebook feeds of cars or trucks colliding into homes. Naturally, the immediate question is: Who covers the repair costs? Imagine a Wenatchee homeowner relaxing with the latest Stranger Things episode when suddenly a sports car crashes into their living room. The flat screen goes flying, the cat freaks out and the night is ruined. The urgency to find out who’ll fix everything is real. The answer is straightforward with a couple of twists.

Who’s Responsible?

Good News: The driver responsible for crashing into your home is liable for the damages, typically covered by the Property Damage section of their auto insurance liability. In a perfect world, they will be paying for everything. Sometimes perfection needs a hand.

Not-so-Good News:

There’s a catch. Roughly 20% of drivers in Washington State don’t have any auto insurance. In fact, the state ranks fifth in the number of uninsured drivers. This means if such a driver crashes into your home, you can’t claim any compensation from them.

Additionally, in Washington, the minimum Property Damage coverage for auto policies is $10,000. So, if repair costs exceed this amount, the insurance company will pay you up to this limit, leaving you to cover the rest. This underscores the importance of opting for more than just the minimum liability coverage.

Car in Kitchen, who makes the claim?

How Do I Cover the Repair Costs?

Bright Side: Your Home Insurance is likely your savior here. Central to your policy are ‘Perils’, essentially risks or incidents, your policy covers. Most home insurance policies offer coverage for damages from car crashes. Your dwelling coverage steps in to facilitate home repairs, while personal property coverage compensates for damaged items. However, remember your deductible. If the damages (or the amount left after the auto claim payout) are less than your deductible, claiming might not be beneficial. Thus, consulting your insurance agent is key.

Understanding your policy’s ins and outs is crucial. Working with a local independent insurance agency like Wenatchee Insurance can help you customize a policy best suited to your needs. With their representation of multiple companies, you’re assured optimal coverage. Reach out to our team today for a comprehensive understanding of your options.

Topics: auto insurance, car insurance home insurance, independent insurance broker, deductible, Wenatchee Insurance, Chelan County, Douglas County, liability, property, local insurance,

Thieves love pickup trucks in Washington State.

Four of the top ten stolen list were pickup trucks. They are handy. I have used them from a couple hauling a couple of bales of hay to helping countless friends move. It’s not a surprise that thieves like them too.

Let’s start with prevention first.

To prevent your car from being stolen:

  1. Always lock your car when you’re not using it.
  2. Consider using a steering wheel lock or immobilizer.
  3. Install a car alarm system.
  4. Use a hidden kill switch to disrupt the car’s starting.
  5. Consider a GPS tracking system.
  6. Park in well-lit and busy areas.
  7. Avoid leaving valuables in the car.
  8. Don’t keep spare keys in the car.
  9. Use signal-blocking pouches for keyless entry fobs.
  10. Use window tint to make it harder for thieves to see inside.

The reason that we are talking about this is from 2019 to 2022 the vehicle theft rate increased by 31% in Washington State. This can increase insurance rates.

Top Stolen Cars in Washington

Recently the National Insurance Crime Bureau released the list of Washington State’s most stolen vehicles list:

RankModelYearNumber stolen
1.Ford Pick up (Full Size)19994,121
2.Honda Civic20003,267
3.Honda Accord19972,613
4.Chevrolet Pick up (Full Size)20041,575
5.Honda CR-V2001/20001,338
6.Ford Pick up (Small Size)1997858
7.Toyota Camry2007791
8.Subaru Legacy1998771
9.Dodge Pickup (Full Size)2001744
10.Hyundai Elantra2018698

In addition to the Hyundai Elantra, the national list had the Hyundai Sonata and Kia Optima which has been a social media phenomenon when it has come to thefts.

If your vehicle is stolen then:

Report to the police immediately. When reported as stolen in the first 24 hours, passenger vehicles has a 34% same-day recovery rate in 2022.

Report it to the insurance company. They will probably ask for the police report number. If you have comprehensive coverage then you have coverage that covers theft.

While liability is required in the state comprehensive coverage is not however it is one of the good to have coverages that you want to talk with your insurance agent about.

We make quotes easy

Topics: Truck Insurance, Car Insurance, Auto Insurance, Wenatchee Insurance, Comprehensive, stolen car, Independent Insurance Agency, Hyundai, Kia, Ford,

How do I Insure my license in Washington state for cheap?

When you drive in Washington state, you are required to have your liability covered. In most cases that means insurance.

Some folks look to ensure their license in order to save money.  These policies have some restrictions that may not work for all conditions. For example, if your friend needs to borrow your truck to move a couch, they would be missing coverage since only you would be covered.

Broad form insurance, often referred to as “broad form auto insurance. Broad-form insurance typically covers more drivers and vehicles under a single policy, making it a convenient option for some individuals. However, it’s important to note that broad-form insurance may not be available with all insurance companies, and its availability and specific terms can vary from one insurance company to another.

Here are the key characteristics and features of broad-form insurance:

Multiple Drivers and Vehicles: Broad-form insurance allows you to cover multiple drivers and vehicles under a single policy. This can be beneficial for households with multiple drivers or individuals who frequently drive different cars.

Named Insured: In broad form insurance, the policy is usually issued in the name of the primary policyholder (the named insured).

Convenience: Broad-form insurance is convenient because it eliminates the need to purchase individual insurance policies for each driver and vehicle in the household. This can potentially save time and reduce administrative hassles.

Limitations and Restrictions

Limitations and Restrictions: While broad-form insurance offers convenience, it often comes with certain limitations and restrictions:

Coverage is typically limited to the named insured and listed drivers. Unlisted drivers may not be covered.

Coverage might not extend to rental cars or vehicles owned by others outside the household.

It may not provide the same level of coverage as traditional auto insurance, and coverage limits may be lower.

Affordability: Broad-form insurance may be more affordable than purchasing separate policies for each driver and vehicle because it combines coverage into a single policy.

Before considering broad-form insurance, it’s essential to carefully review the terms, limitations, and coverage options with your insurance agency. You should also assess whether it meets your specific needs and whether there are any gaps in coverage that you need to address, such as coverage for rental cars or additional liability protection.

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Topics: Wenatchee Insurance, Insurance Quote, Car Insurance, Auto Insurance, Wenatchee, Chelan, Health Insurance, Home Insurance, Okanogan, Douglas County, Independent Insurance Agency, Insurance Shopping, Hyundai, Truck, Broad form, License Insurance, SR22, Cheap Car Insurance,

Can I get cheap car insurance for my Kia or Hyundai?

Young driver ready with insurance and keys
We insure all ages

We have been talking about the Kia and Hyundai problem for a few months. In February and in May.

If you have a Kia or a Hyundais then you may be experiencing a challenge in insuring them. You are not alone. There are more than eight million Hyundais and Kias from the model years 2011 to 2022. There are websites dedicated to the issue.

There are websites for Kia owners and Hyundai owners to get more information about their specific vehicle.

The manufacturers have had a $200 million dollar settlement. As part of it owners can get a software upgrade and if software cannot be installed then get up to $300 to buy their choice of anti-theft devices. There is a resurgence of the ‘90s classic “Club” which is a steering wheel lock.

Steering wheel lock to slow down thieves

TikTok Challenge and Kia Boys

Instagram and TikTok have had multiple videos including some “challenge” videos about how easy they are to steal with a USB because of their lack of immobilizers. The popularity of the “Kia Boys” was enabled by social media as thieves began to steal them for their views and clout.

Due to the ease of the thefts and the sheer volume of thefts some insurance companies have stopped covering them. We have several companies that we work with that do cover them. There is also the option of insuring your license with a Broad Form if the vehicle is paid off.

What can we do?

While these are great little cars do not expect every insurance company to insure them cheaply. We run them through an exchange to see what companies are still writing them for the lowest cost.

Topics: Wenatchee Insurance, Insurance Quote, Car Insurance, Auto Insurance, Wenatchee, Chelan, Health Insurance, Home Insurance, Okanogan, Douglas County, Independent Insurance Agency, Insurance Shopping, Kia, Hyundai, TikTok, TikTok Challenge, Kia Challenge, Kia Boys, Instagram

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