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How do I enroll in a Medicare Part D plan in Eastern Washington?

prescriptions cost money a medicare part d can save

Enrolling in Medicare Part D: A Humorous Walkthrough with Wenatchee Insurance

When you enroll in a Medicare Part D plan kind of feels like applying for a secret society membership—complete with cryptic forms, mysterious deadlines, and possibly a funky handshake or two. Don’t worry! Suzie & Wenatchee Insurance is here to make the process as entertaining as a sitcom episode, where even the most tedious tasks can come with laughter. We are going to walk through the Medicare Part D process together, with a dash of humor.

Step 1: The Invitation

First, you need to get invited to the party, a.k.a. determine your eligibility. Generally, if you’re eligible for Medicare then you’re eligible for Part D. Think of it as receiving your VIP ticket to a chef’s table in the newest restaurant in town.

Example: “You’ve got your golden ticket, just like Charlie in the chocolate factory, except instead of chocolate, you’re getting life-saving medication. Still, pretty sweet deal, right?”

Step 2: The Grand Entrance – Initial Enrollment Period

The Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) is your first chance to join the party. Starting three months before you turn 65, your birth month and ending three months after, you have your initial enrollment period. Seven months seem like a lot however they can go fast. Miss this, and you’ll have to wait for the next party invite. Yes, sometimes you will have to bring a note to get in!

Sample: “Think of the IEP as the VIP entrance to a concert. You get in early, avoid the rush, and grab the best spot near the stage. Miss it, and you’ll be stuck at the back, straining to hear the music.”

Step 3: The Red Tape – Required Information

Now, let’s tackle the paperwork. You’ll need your Medicare number, date of birth, and other personal info.

Sample: “Filling out your info is like completing a membership form for the ‘Cool Kids Club.’ Just a few details and you’re ready to flash that membership card (your Part D plan) proudly.”

Step 4: The Selection Process – Choosing Your Plan

Here’s where it gets fun: Choosing a Part D plan is like picking your Hogwarts house. Do you go with the bravery of Gryffindor (extensive coverage), the loyalty of Hufflepuff (steady and reliable), or maybe the cunning of Slytherin (low premiums but high deductibles)?”

health or medicare enrollment suzie makes it easier

Step 5: The Initiation – Enrollment

Once you’ve chosen your plan, it’s time to officially enroll. You can do this online, over the phone, or by mail. Enrolling in your Part D plan is like taking the final step in joining a secret society. You recite the oath (or just click ‘submit’), and voila! You’re in. Cue the applause and confetti.”

Step 6: The Welcome Package

After enrolling, you’ll receive your membership card and welcome package. Receiving your Part D welcome package is like getting your secret decoder ring. Suddenly, all the mysterious codes (insurance jargon) make sense, and you’re ready to take on the world—or at least the pharmacy.”

Step 7: The Ongoing Adventure

Now that you’re enrolled, the adventure begins. Keep an eye on your medications, costs, and any plan updates. It’s an ongoing journey, but with Wenatchee Insurance by your side, you’ll navigate it with ease and a smile.

Sample: “Your journey with Medicare Part D is just beginning. It’s like starting a new season of your favorite show—there will be twists, turns, and maybe a few cliffhangers, but Wenatchee Insurance is here to help you through every episode.”

Wenatchee Insurance: Your Trusted Sidekick

Enrolling in a Medicare Part D plan doesn’t have to be a chore. With Suzie & Wenatchee Insurance, it’s a fun and straightforward process, complete with guidance, support, and a few laughs along the way.

So, if you’re ready to join the secret society of Medicare Part D, let Wenatchee Insurance be Robin to your Batman. Together, we’ll make this journey as entertaining as it is rewarding.

Home Health Medicare Car Dental Prescription insurance corndog

Topics: Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Suzie, Wenatchee Insurance, SSDI, ESRD, Hospital Insurance, Prescription Drug Coverage, Part D, Medical Insurance, Disability,

Oops, I Did It Again: Surviving an Insurance lapse Episode

local car insurance wenatchee lapse

Ever had one of those days where everything that can go wrong does go wrong? Like forgetting your wedding anniversary, someone drank all the milk after you poured a bowl of cereal or worse… a lapse in your car insurance. It happens. Wenatchee Insurance is here to turn your insurance woes into wows.

The Dreaded Lapse

A lapse in your insurance coverage is like running out of gas on Sherman Pass – inconvenient and slightly embarrassing. It doesn’t matter if you forgot missed a payment , to renew, or thought your car ran on good vibes alone. There are options when your insurance lapses.

The “Britney Spears” Moment

You might find yourself humming, “Oops, I did it again,” as you realize your insurance has lapsed. Cue the dramatic music and a vision of Shayla from Wenatchee Insurance swooping in to save the day.

Steps to Take When Your Insurance Lapses

  1. Call Wenatchee Insurance: Seriously, this should be step one for everything. Shayla will help you sort out the mess and get you behind the wheel again.
  2. Beg for Forgiveness: Sometimes, you can sweet-talk your insurance provider into waiving the lapse fee. It isn’t always easy and some companies are better than others.
  3. Avoid the Temptation to Drive: Driving without insurance is a not worth the ticket nor the risk. Instead, use this as an excuse to try out Link Transit or rediscover the joys of breaking in your shoes.
  4. Renew and Relax: Once you’ve reinstated your insurance, take a deep breath and relax. You have your proof of insurance in hand (or on your phone).


A lapsed insurance policy is not the end of the world. After a year of continuous auto insurance, options open. With a little help from Wenatchee Insurance, you’ll be back on the road in no time, and with a funny story to tell at your next BBQ.

Topics: SR22, auto insurance, car insurance, wenatchee insurance, shayla, high risk, liability, insurance license, Chelan County, Okanogan County, General, Grant County, Douglas county, proof of insurance,

What Additional Insurance Coverage Options Are Available and Which Ones Should I Consider?

insurance coverage

Additional Insurance Coverage options:

The Insurance Coverage Buffet: Extra Toppings Edition

Welcome back to the Insurance Buffet, where Wenatchee Insurance offers a Smörgåsbord of additional insurance coverage options to suit every taste. Insurance needs are a wide variety. Let’s explore the extra toppings you can add to your home insurance policy for a fully loaded experience.

Umbrella Insurance: The All-You-Can-Eat Pass Umbrella insurance is like wearing your stretchy pants for a Thanksgiving feast. It extends your liability coverage beyond the limits of your standard home insurance, protecting you from unexpected large claims. It’s a must-have for anyone who needs to be extra prepared.

Sewer Backup Insurance Coverage: The Unseen Hero If you have an older house in Wenatchee with large trees then we need to talk about Sewer back up. Sewer backups are the stuff of nightmares, but this coverage option is like a hidden hero. It ensures you’re not left dealing with a smelly and costly cleanup out of your own pocket.

Identity Theft Protection: The Cyber Shield In the digital age, identity theft is a real threat. This coverage acts like a cyber shield, protecting your personal information and helping you recover if your identity is stolen. It’s peace of mind in the digital jungle.

Home Business Insurance Coverage: The Entrepreneur’s Delight Running a business from home? Standard policies might not cover business equipment or liability. This add-on ensures your entrepreneurial endeavors are protected, just like having a dedicated menu for your dietary special needs.

Valuable Items Coverage: The Premium Topping Got high-value items like jewelry, art, or computers? This coverage acts like the shaved black truffles on risotto, ensuring your prized possessions are covered beyond the standard policy limits.

Green Home Coverage: The Eco-Friendly Choice If you’re environmentally conscious, this coverage helps you rebuild with eco-friendly materials and technology after a loss. It’s like choosing the organic section at the buffet – better for you and the planet.

Additional Coverage Options Summary

With Wenatchee Insurance, you can customize your home insurance policy with these additional coverage options to suit your unique needs. Load up your plate and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with comprehensive protection!

Home Health Medicare Car Dental Prescription insurance corndog

Topics: Wenatchee Insurance, Deductible, Home Insurance, Bundle, Chelan, Fire, Okanogan, Grant, Medicare, health, Wind, Liability, Cheap Insurance, Exclusions, Green Insurance, Umbrella, Home Office, Computer coverage, Cyber coverage,

How Do I Make the Most of My Medicare Benefits?

Medicare plan 65 Wenatchee Advantage medicare benifits

Hey Chelan County, It’s Suzie with Wenatchee Insurance. Today, we’re here to help you milk every drop of goodness out of your Medicare benefits – think of it as getting all the toppings on your sundae, without any extra charge!

Step 1: Embrace the Freebies (Preventive Services)

Medicare loves giving out freebies. Take advantage of preventive services like:

  • Annual Wellness Visits: Like a yearly tune-up for your car, but a lot less grease.
  • Screenings: For things like diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers – think of it as an annual “What’s going on in there?” check.
  • Vaccinations: Stay flu-free and fabulous with covered vaccines.

Example Time!

Bob never misses his annual wellness visit. His doctor keeps him in tip-top shape, and Bob feels like he’s just had a makeover on a reality TV show.

Step 2: Manage Your Meds (Pharmacy Hacks)

Your Part D plan is your ticket to affordable meds, but let’s make sure you’re really saving:

  • Check the formulary: It’s like reading the menu before you order – know what’s covered.
  • Use preferred pharmacies: Some pharmacies are like that one pizza place that always has a deal.
  • Go generic: Just as tasty, but a lot cheaper – like getting the store-brand cereal.

Example Time!

Sally May loves a good bargain. By sticking to her plan’s preferred pharmacies and opting for generic meds, she saves enough each month to treat herself to something nice – like a day at the beauty salon.

Step 3: Use Extra Benefits (Hidden Gems)

If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, don’t ignore those extra benefits:

  • Vision, dental, and hearing: Routine exams, glasses, hearing aids – it’s like getting free sprinkles on your sundae.
  • Fitness programs: Many plans include gym memberships.
  • Telehealth services: See your doctor without leaving your couch – perfect for pajama days.
health or medicare enrollment suzie makes it easier for medicare benefits

Example Time!

Steve stays active with her plan’s including gym membership. He’s a regular at the gym, where he’s known as “The Silver Swole.”

Step 4: Know Your Out-of-Pocket Costs (Avoid Surprise Bills)

Keep an eye on your out-of-pocket costs. This includes:

  • Deductibles: The upfront cost before your plan kicks in – like the cover charge at a club.
  • Copayments/Coinsurance: Your share of the cost – think of it as splitting the dinner bill on a night out.
  • Out-of-pocket maximum: The most you’ll pay in a year before your plan picks up everything else–the save your farm number.

Example Time!

Tom keeps track of his medical expenses like a hawk. By understanding his plan’s costs, he avoids those “What the heck?!” moments when the bill arrives.

Wenatchee Insurance: Suzie is your Medicare Wingman

At Wenatchee Insurance, we’re here to help you get the most out of your Medicare benefits. Think of us as your trusty sidekick, always ready with the right advice and a corny joke.

Final Thoughts

Maximizing your Medicare benefits is like finding hidden treasures. By embracing the freebies, managing your meds, using extra benefits, and understanding your costs, you’ll make the most out of your coverage and keep your wallet happy.

Remember, dear readers, getting the most from your Medicare benefits doesn’t have to be a scavenger hunt. With Wenatchee Insurance by your side, you’ll be the Indiana Jones of healthcare savings world. Stay tuned for more insights, tips, and plenty of laughs!

Topics: Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Suzie, Wenatchee Insurance, SSDI, ESRD, Hospital Insurance, Prescription Drug Coverage, Part D, Medical Insurance, Disability,

Health Insurance Medicare  Advantage Wenatchee Suzie

Help! My SR22 Insurance Just Called in Sick: Now What?

SR22 license insurance Wenatchee

Ah, the joys of car insurance. Just when you thought you had it all figured out, your SR22 insurance decides to take a sick day. Don’t worry, Wenatchee Insurance is here to help you navigate this comedy of errors.

Protip: We have several companies that we write SR22s with. 😉

What is SR22 Insurance Anyway?

Think of SR22 insurance as the hall monitor of the insurance world. It’s not actually insurance, but a certificate proving you have insurance. It’s usually required after you’ve had too much “fun” on the road, like a DUI or too many speeding tickets. It’s a tell tale sign to simmer down.

The “Oh No!” Moment

So there you are, driving down the 97 watching the ducks on the Columbia River, when you get pulled over. You reach for your insurance papers and… they’re expired! Panic sets in. You imagine yourself living in a cardboard box under the George Sellar Bridge.

What to Do When Your SR22 Insurance “Calls in Sick”

  1. Stay Calm and Call Shayla: Our favorite property insurance agent at Wenatchee Insurance, Shayla, is always ready to help. She’s like the wizard of insurance, turning your pumpkin of a problem into a reliable, roadworthy carriage.
  2. Get Back on Track: Shayla will guide you through the steps to reinstate your SR22. It might involve a bit of paperwork and a fee, but hey, it’s better than trying to live off wild blackberries and Pike Minnows from the Columbia River.
  3. Laugh It Off: Remember, it’s just insurance. Everyone makes mistakes. Even if you have to ride a bike for a few days, at least you’ll get some exercise!

The Moral of the Story

Don’t panic. The next time your SR22 insurance decides to take a vacation. Just call Shayla and Wenatchee Insurance. We’ll have you back on the road faster than you can say “uninsured motorist.”

Topics: SR22, auto insurance, car insurance, wenatchee insurance, shayla, high risk, liability, insurance license, Chelan County, Okanogan County, General, Grant County, Douglas county, proof of insurance,

Covering Dental Insurance and Vision Coverage with Wenatchee Insurance

dental insurance is important

Hey there, savvy insurance seekers in North Central Washington! Today, let’s zoom in on something that’s not just about covering your health but also about your sparkling smile and eagle-eyed vision— dental insurance and vision! 🦷👀

So, why should you care about dental insurance and vision coverage? Well, picture this: you’re chomping down on your favorite Granny Smith apple (because who doesn’t love those?) and suddenly—CRACK! A dental emergency strikes. Now, without the right coverage, that apple might turn into an expensive dental disaster! That’s where Suzie at Wenatchee Insurance swoops in like a dental superhero, offering plans that protect your pearly whites without breaking the bank.

While a majority of dental plans have waiting periods for major services. We do have a couple that can start the following month with items such as root canals and other big ticket items. If you have something going on or a favorite dentist then we need to know to get you the coverages that you need.

If you are in our office in Wenatchee, you can ask about his graveyard shift at Treetop, a leatherman file and a broken tooth. It was his tipping point to stop being silly and get dental insurance.

But wait, there’s more! Ever lost your glasses right before an important presentation? Or needed new contact lenses pronto because you mistook your dog for your boss? 🐶👓 Don’t worry; Wenatchee Insurance has your back (or should we say your eyes?) with vision plans that keep you seeing clearly, even when your dog looks suspiciously like your boss!

So, whether you’re a teeth-whitening enthusiast or someone who just wants to avoid confusing their pets with their colleagues, check out Wenatchee Insurance for dental and vision coverage that’ll have you smiling and squint-free in no time!

At Wenatchee Insurance, we have several different companies offering dental options. In Central Washington, we have very limited vision coverage so we have conversations with clients.

Topics: Dental, Vision, VSP, Delta Dental, Wenatchee Insurance, Suzie, Enrollment, Glasses, Contacts, Chelan County, Okanogan, Grant County, Douglas County, Leavenworth

Insurance Bundle

When Wildfire Meets Insurance: A Tale of Coverage and Comfort with Wenatchee Insurance Agency

Wildfire around Central Washington can make insurance tough
Wild Fire along the Columbia River

Hey there, from Eastern Washington! Today, we are diving into a topic that’s as hot as the Yakima Training Center in August—insurance coverage for wildfire damage with our trusty band of heroes at Wenatchee Insurance Agency! 🌲🔥💼

Picture this: you’re enjoying a peaceful evening watching the ducks on Lake Wenatchee, maybe sipping on your favorite malt beverage, when suddenly, the word “wildfire” starts buzzing on every social media network. Yonks! Panic mode? Not with the team of Wenatchee Insurance by your side!

What is the deal with wildfire insurance coverage? First off, Wenatchee Insurance isn’t just your average insurance agency; they’re wizards of wildfire protection. Whether it’s ensuring your humble abode stays safe or your beloved outdoor gear survives the inferno, they’ve got your back like a firefighter with a superpower cape.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: “But how do they do it?” It’s simple, really. Wenatchee Insurance doesn’t just hand you a policy and wish you luck. They’re like the Gandalf of insurance—always there when you need them, guiding you through the murky forest of insurance jargon. Need coverage for that vintage camper you cherish? Covered. Worried about your precious garden gnomes? They’ve got a plan for that too!

And let’s talk claims. Ever had to file an insurance claim and felt like you were navigating a maze blindfolded? Not with Wenatchee Insurance. They make it as smooth as warm butter on hot toast. Just dial Shayla (yes, the insurance whisperer herself) and poof! Your claim is in good hands faster than you can say “apple pie.”

But here’s the kicker—the best part about Wenatchee Insurance isn’t just their expertise; it’s their sense of community. They’re not just here to sell you a policy; they’re your neighbors, your pals, your partners in wildfire defense. Because let’s face it, when flames dance on the horizon, you don’t just want insurance. You want peace of mind, wrapped in a blanket of trust and understanding.

So, whether you’re a seasoned wildfire survivor or a newbie in the realm of insurance wonders, remember one thing: with Wenatchee Insurance Agency, you’re not just protected—you’re part of a fiery family (the good kind, of course).

Stay safe, stay covered, and remember to hug your insurance agent (from a safe distance)!

Topics: Home Insurance, Wenatchee insurance, Shayla, high risk, liability, wildfire, brush fire, Chelan County, Okanogan County, General, Grant County, Douglas county, proof of insurance,

Insurance Bundle

How Do Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Plans Work?

Medicare Advantage or Medigap Suzie has you covered

Hey North Central Washington, it’s Suzie with Wenatchee Insurance. Today, we are talkin’ about  Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Medigap. Think of Medigap as the baked potato to your Medicare steak, helping cover the costs that Original Medicare doesn’t.

What is Medigap?

Medigap plans are sold by private insurance companies and are designed to fill the “gaps” in Original Medicare. These gaps include out-of-pocket costs like copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.


Meet Barney, who’s enjoying his retirement but worried about potential healthcare costs. He decides to get a Medigap plan to cover expenses that Original Medicare doesn’t. Now, Barney can focus on detailing his Corvette instead of medical bills.

Standardized Medigap Plans: One Size Fits Most

Medigap plans are standardized, meaning each plan offers the same basic benefits regardless of the insurance company. There are ten standardized plans (Plan A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N), each offering a different level of coverage.

Standardized plans allow a client to shop based on price in the middle of the year.


Imagine Joan, who travels frequently. She chooses Medigap Plan G because it covers emergency care when traveling outside the U.S., giving her peace of mind on her adventures.

What’s Covered?

Medigap plans help cover costs like:

  • Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
  • Part B coinsurance or copayments
  • First three pints of blood
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayments
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance
  • Part A and B deductibles (depending on the plan)
  • Foreign travel emergency care

Example Time!

Consider Bob, who needs regular blood transfusions. His Medigap plan covers the cost of the first three pints of blood each year, saving him from unexpected expenses.

How to Enroll?

To enroll in a Medigap plan, you must already have Medicare Part A and Part B. The best time to buy a Medigap policy is during your Medigap Open Enrollment Period, which lasts for six months and starts the month you turn 65 and are enrolled in Part B. During this period, you can buy any Medigap policy sold in your state, regardless of your health status.

Protip: We have a lot of members who review their Medigap plan and switch in early summer to reduce inflation.


Imagine Sally, who just turned 65 and enrolled in Medicare Part B. She takes advantage of her Medigap Open Enrollment Period to get a policy without worrying about being denied coverage due to her pre-existing conditions. The Guarantee Issue is a game changer for people who have struggled with co-payments for under 65 healthcare.

Suzie @ Wenatchee Insurance

We’re here to help you navigate the world of Medigap with ease. Our knowledgeable agents can explain the different plans, help you compare options, and ensure you choose the coverage that best fits your needs.

Remember, understanding Medigap doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With Suzie helping out, you’ll find the perfect potato for your Medicare steak in no time.

Stay tuned for more tips, tricks, and helpful advice from Suzie!

Topics: Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Suzie, Wenatchee Insurance, SSDI, ESRD, Hospital Insurance, Prescription Drug Coverage, Part D, Medical Insurance, Disability,

Insurance Bundle

How Often Should I Review and Update My Home Insurance Policy?

The Annual Home Insurance Check-Up

Insurance review are important

Just like your annual doctor’s check up, your home insurance policy needs regular reviews to stay in good shape. Let’s talk about the why, when, and how with Wenatchee Insurance.

The Annual Check-Up Once a year, take a look at your policy. Think of it as a wellness check for your home insurance. Are all your coverages up to date? Have you made any significant changes to your home that need to be included? Is there a lot of inflation?

Post-Renovation Review Did you just build that dream kitchen or add a new deck? Time to update your policy. Renovations can increase the value of your home, and you’ll want your coverage to reflect that shiny new gourmet stove.

Bonus: A new roof can reduce Home Insurance cost.

Major Purchase Alert Did you buy a new Steinway piano or inherit paintings from your Great Aunt Gates? Big-ticket items should be added to your policy to ensure they’re covered. Some categories have limits and may require an endorsement. It’s like adding vitamins to your diet – essential for overall health.

Neighborhood Changes Has your area experienced changes in risk factors, like an unkept field or new construction? Time for a review. Just as you’d adjust your diet if your environment changed, adjust your insurance to match your surroundings.

Life Changes New family members, a new pet, or even a change in your job status can all impact your insurance needs. Keep your policy in sync with your life. It’s like updating your wardrobe to fit your current lifestyle.

With Wenatchee Insurance, keeping your home insurance policy up to date is as easy as scheduling your next check-up. Stay protected and stay informed!

Topics: Wenatchee Insurance, Deductible, Home Insurance, Bundle, Chelan, Fire, Okanogan, Grant, Medicare, health, Wind, Liability, Cheap Insurance

Home Health Medicare Car Dental Prescription insurance corndog

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For nearly a decade we have assisted with Health & Medicare Solutions. We are proud to be selected by the Washington Healthplanfinder to be one of ten Enrollment Centers located in Washington State.

We work with all ages and charge no fees.

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